How Much Are Blue Booties Costing Your Business?

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For years, the standard in shoe cover products has been the manual variety, blue booties chief among them. These single-use, disposable covers can be found in medical facilities, clean rooms, even real estate showings. Blue booties can either be applied by hand, or loaded into a dispenser that users step into one foot at a time.

Yet, with the introduction of the automatic shoe cover machine, which automatically covers shoes with thermo-shrinkable PVC film, traditional blue booties are becoming increasingly obsolete in fast-paced, cost- and time-sensitive environments.

Here’s a closer look at why.

Disadvantages of Blue Booties Shoe Covers

For all their utility, blue booties have inherent drawbacks that can cost businesses money and time.

Purchase and storage cost – Though relatively inexpensive to procure, it is the repeat cost of ordering these throw-away products in bulk that puts a dent in most budgets (not to mention the need for space to keep replacement product on hand).

Labor expenditure – It simply takes more effort and more time for people to take blue booties on and off. Why make visitors bend down (twice!) to slip on a shoe cover? In high-traffic areas, this is far too inefficient and frustrating, especially for the cheaper materials that are prone to tearing. Of course, if you are using a dispenser for traditional cloth shoe covers, it also takes time to reorder and reload blue booties into the dispenser.

Bacterial transmission – When guests have to use their hands to put on a shoe cover, another variable (and source of bacteria) is introduced into the equation. The automatic shoe cover makes it so entrants only have to step into the machine without ever bending down or touching the actual cover.

The Smart Alternative to Blue Booties

Automatic shoe cover dispensers offer a smart alternative to traditional blue booties. As opposed to boxes upon boxes of refill orders, which need to be stored and manually replenished, automatic shoe covers come in affordable, tidy rolls of PVC sheets that require less storage space. And with 600-1000 pieces per roll, the automatic shoe cover sheets need replacing less often than traditional blue booties.

Finally, automatic shoe cover dispensers require little to no manual intervention, and no extra sources of bacterial transmission. It is truly a “set it and forget it” solution for clean rooms, medical facilities, and other spaces with high standards of cleanliness.

Just plug it in, load the film, and you’re off.